“There are images that express more than words, that go ahead of them, that elude them, or, more rarely, that scramble them. There are processes that elude the reasoning reason that tries to classify, identify, reduce or label them. There are types of beauty that eschew prettiness.
The paradox of Luma’s work is that it appears nevertheless to be involved in a phase, or more precisely in an attempt that is certainly not definitive, to reconfigure or put into order. Even perturbing words placed close to, or in her images, cannot change this, and their uncomfortable beauty nevertheless retains, like a thread running through it, an instinctive need to sniff the prettiness half-buried in things.

Luma Koklova photography france phosmag

© Luma Koklova

Luma Koklova photography france phosmag

© Luma Koklova

Luma Koklova photography france phosmag

© Luma Koklova

Luma Koklova photography france phosmag

© Luma Koklova

Alone or with the RAZZIA or the LA CAMARADERIE collectives, in planned books or essential but marginal exhibitions, her trajectory appears, on the surface, to resemble that of others: it gropes its way and rebels, reshuffles the cards and, as soon as it becomes familiar, feels the need to distance itself again. But it drags with its unique music, on a few distant words, which, without any claims to renew or revolutionise, turns looks into shocks and turns what is human into a shared magnetic field or a forsaken wasteland.”

Emmanuel d’Autreppe

(Translation: Chris Bourne)

Luma Koklova photography france phosmag

© Luma Koklova

Luma Koklova photography france phosmag

© Luma Koklova

Luma Koklova photography france phosmag

© Luma Koklova


Born in France, 1990. Luma’s work obtained an honourable mention from the jury at “Propositions d’artistes 2016” organised by Contretype.


Luma Koklova